Department of Stri-roga & Prasuti-tantra (Gynecology & Obstetrics)
Department of Striroga & Prasutitantra deals with the various gynecological problem faced by the women. It
also provides ayurvedic solutions to these problems. The ancient ayurvedic concept is utilized to gain a healthy
offspring. Diet plan, care and treatment are provided to pregnant lady until a healthy baby is delivered. The pre
and post partum assistance is also provided to the gravid. Department of Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra
(Gynecology-Obstetrics) imparts training in Ayurvedic Gynecology-Obstetrics and Pediatrics. Gynecology
deals with menstrual disorders, diseases of the female genital tract and venereal diseases. Ayurveda advises a
special regimen for care of the pregnant woman.