05-10-2023 : Close Campus Recruitment Drive - Teach for India
Date :
Company Name :Teach for India
Batch :2022-2023
Course :B Tech / MBA / B Pharmacy - All Branch
Close Campus Recruitment Drive - Teach for India Dear Students, We are organising a close campus recruitment drive as per below mentioned details :- 1). Name of Company :- Teach for India 2). Course :- B Tech / MBA / B Pharmacy 3). Branch :- All Branch 4). Date :- 5th October 2023 (confirmed) 5). Reporting Time :- 10:00 AM 6). Type of Campus :- Physical 7). Venue :- RITS Seminar Hall For JD, Salary and Company Information, refer to the attached file. All participating students must compulsorily register at the above mentioned link and must bring their resume and educational documents to participate in this drive. About the Company :- Teach For India started in 2009 with the audacious goal of eliminating educational inequity. While there are many routes to challenge and change Indias status quo in education, we believe that we are fuelling our country with leaders who will be the single biggest enabler in transforming the nation.
Thanks & Regards
Robin Samuel
Training & Placement Officer & Manager Corporate Relations
Radharaman Group of Institutes, Bhopal
Cell :- 09425609712 & 09826877804
E Mail :- campusplacement@radharamanbhopal.com
Web :- www.radharamanbhopal.com