To make the institute of its own kind by :
* Inculcating the analytical thought process in the minds of students to make them part of think - tank of divergent thinkers imbibed wiyh original ideas.
* Producing quality engineers for the industry with USP of innovation and creativity.
* Assisting the students in molding their personality and awakening the dormant professionalism to make them excellent as engineers , technocrats and entrepreneurs.
* To strive for excellence in technical education and research towards overall development of stake holders in order to make them succeed in life and serve the nation.
* To develop the institution as a centre of execellence.
* To strive for overall satisfaction of all the stake holders through quality services.
* To provide stimulating, vibrant and progressive enviorment to staff and students of the Institution for their professional growth.
* To transform the faculty in the form of a self motivated, highly devoted and positively focused team.
* To encourage and create Research and Development facilities for staff and students and also to provide P. G. Courses & Doctoral programmes.
* To formulate and implement Industry Institute Synergetic Partnership programme leading to consultancy & testing, faculty exchange and joint venturing.
* To conduct networked collaborative programmes with the leading foreign universities towards establishing a global pattern of engineering education.